沧州乐之琳包装设备制造有限公司坐落于河北省沧州市东光经济开发区包装和机械装备制造园区A区,公司荣获“河北省科技型中小企业”、获八项实用新型专利!己申报国家高新技术企业!技术力量雄厚,生产检测设备先进,以科技求发展,博采众长,融合国内外机械科研之精华,多年来依靠良好的信誉和产品质量在同行业中名列前茅,使公司的规模不断扩大,产品质量不断提高和完善。公司生产的设备销往全国各地,并远销全球20多个国家和地区,深受用户的好评亲睐。公司以 合作、创新、求进、发展 为经营理念!真诚为广大客户提供精良的设备和诚信的服务,我们以过硬的品质!专业的团队!完善的售后服务!恭候新老客户光临!Cangzhou Lezhilin Packaging Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is located in Zone A, Packaging and Mechanical Equipment Manufacturing Park, Dongguang Economic Development Zone, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province. The company has won the title of "Hebei Science and Technology Based Small and Medium Enterprises" and eight utility model patents! Has declared a national high-tech enterprise! Strong technical force, advanced production and testing equipment, seeking development with science and technology, drawing on the strengths of all, integrating the essence of domestic and foreign mechanical research, and for many years, relying on good reputation and product quality, the company has been among the best in the industry, so that the scale of the company continues to expand, and product quality continues to improve and improve. The equipment produced by the company is sold throughout the country and exported to more than 20 countries and regions around the world, and is highly praised and favored by users. The company takes cooperation, innovation, progress, and development as its business philosophy!